
Red Fox Playing Cards Order Store ALL DECKS ON SALE!

Created by Kelly ten Hove

Please Visit our most recent Backerkit store for more options.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Stretch goal #1 reached!
over 4 years ago – Tue, Sep 29, 2020 at 11:32:48 PM

Thanks everyone for bringing us over 200%! We have reached the $10,000 mark and add-on V1.0 and V1.1 decks listed below MRSP will also be FREE SHIPPING! Check out the charts below for prices and add-on V1.0 marked and V1.1 unmarked decks for the cheapest prices with free shipping - Kickstarter exclusive! 

How to add V1.0 and V1.1 decks (and other add-ons) to your pledge: (Also available after the campaign)

  • 1. Go to "Manage your pledge" button at the top of the page.                                  NOTE: If you haven't pledged yet, it will say "Back the project".
  • 2. Increase your pledge in the "Pledge Amount" box by the following price list below.  (do not change your pledge tier).
  • 3. After the campaign, you will get a survey from Backerkit. Here  you will verify the add-ons you wanted. You also have the opportunity at  this point to select more add-ons (and pay for them through Backerkit).
  • Shipping for add-ons is FREE for ALL ITEMS. If you have any questions, contact me on Kickstarter, by e-mail [email protected], or Instagram @redfoxplayingcards

Stretch Goal #1!
over 4 years ago – Thu, Sep 24, 2020 at 12:24:43 AM

Stretch Goal #1 will will make available V1.0 and V1.1 add-on decks. These prices are below MRSP and will include FREE SHIPPING for all add-on decks (All add-ons this year are free shipping anywhere in the world!). Make a TikTok, share on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit etc. to help us reach this goal so that we can announce Stretch goal #2 - Free stuff! 

Worldwide shipping will also be airmail for much faster shipping, and at lower declared value to avoid duty. North America will get their cards shipped via Canada Post/USPS for super fast speeds and 0 duty. 

You guys are aweseome!
over 4 years ago – Wed, Sep 23, 2020 at 01:42:18 AM

100% Funded in LESS THAN 8 HOURS!!! We beat last year by a 1/3 of the time! Looking forward to getting these cards out to everyone when the Kickstarter ends and we have some stretch goals lined up! Now that you snatched up the early bird prizes, go tell all your friends because the Stretch goals will benefit you all!Â